How to Play Chinese Checkers

Jump Your Way to Victory: How to Play Chinese Checkers!

Gather your friends and family for a brain-teasing adventure with Chinese Checkers, a classic game that combines strategy and fun for all ages. With its simple rules and dynamic gameplay, it's the perfect way to spend quality time together while challenging your thinking skills.

At ChessnBoards We have Checkers boards made of wood and the marbles made of resin or wooden pegs.

What You'll Need:

    • Chinese Checkers game board 

Chinese Checkers (Halma) Board's playing field with players 1 and 2 on opposing triangle.

    • 60 marbles or playing pieces (10 in each of 6 colors) 


Chinese Checkers can be played by 2 to 6 players.

Setting up the board


  • If one set is used, players start in a triangle facing their opponent’s triangle.

Two players game - A set of Chinese Checkers (Halma) with the triangle of Player 1 facing Player 2's triangle.

  • If two sets are used, the players set up in two triangles facing the opponent’s two triangles, or one opposing and one facing an empty triangle. 

Two players game - If two sets of Chinese Checkers (Halma) are used, Player 1 sets up in two triangles facing Player 2's two triangles.Two players game - If two sets of Chinese Checkers (Halma) are used, players can set up in one opposing triangle and one facing an empty triangle.

  • If three sets are used, then the players set up in three opposing triangles.

2 players game - Three Chinese Checkers (Halma) sets are used with Players 1 and 2 set up in three opposing triangles.


  • If one set is used, players set up in a triangle, facing an empty triangle.

3 players game - One Chinese Checkers (Halma) set is used and each player sets up in a triangle, facing an empty triangle.

  • If two sets are used, then each player starts with two sets of colored marbles on opposing triangles.

3 players game - Two Chinese Checkers (Halma) sets are used and each player starts with two sets of colored marbles on opposing triangles.


  • In “free for all”, two opposite triangles are left empty.

4 players game - Players are set up in opposing triangles and two opposite triangles are left empty.

  • If teams are played, two teams are formed and each player is set up on the opposite triangle of their teammate.

4 players game - Teams A and B are formed and each player is set up on the opposite triangle of their teammate.


Each player controls one triangle

  • In “free for all”, each player sets up in their own triangle

6 players game -  Each player sets up in their own triangle.

  • If teams are playing, three teams of two players are established. Each player is set up on the opposite triangle of their teammate.

6 players game - Teams A, B and C are playing with two players for each team. Each player is set up on the opposite triangle of their teammate.

  Getting Started:

    • Choose Your Colors: Each player picks a color and places their 10 pieces in the matching colored starting triangle on the board. 

    • Decide Who Starts: Roll the die, and the player with the highest roll starts the game. Play continues clockwise.

    • Making Your Move: On your turn, you can either:

      • Move one piece: Slide one of your pieces to an empty adjacent space on the board.
    • During a player’s turn, they can move their piece to any adjacent empty hole. " 
        • Jump over others: Hop over an adjacent piece (including your own) to land in an empty space beyond it. You can chain multiple jumps in one turn if possible, as long as there are open spaces to land.
      • A player continually hops over subsequent pieces and in different directions, since there are empty holes on the other side of the pieces. 
        • Reaching Your Goal: Your objective is to move all your pieces across the board and into the opposite triangle, the one directly across from your starting position.

        • Winning the Game: The first player to successfully maneuver all their pieces into their target triangle wins!

      Bonus Tips:

        • Plan Your Jumps: Think ahead and strategize your moves to create opportunities for multiple jumps in a turn.
        • Don't Block Yourself: Be mindful of your piece placements to avoid accidentally trapping yourself or blocking your own path.
        • Use Your Opponents: Strategically jump over your opponent's pieces to gain an advantage and move closer to your goal.
        • Have Fun! Don't take it too seriously, and enjoy the friendly competition and laughter along the way.

      Making it Fun for All Ages:

        • For younger players: Start with a simplified version using only the outer tracks and triangles. You can also allow them to help each other move their pieces.
        • For more challenge: Play with two dice and add the numbers together for your move. This increases the speed and complexity of the game.

      Chinese Checkers offers endless possibilities for strategic thinking and exciting gameplay. So gather your loved ones, set up the board, and jump your way to victory!

      Additional Notes:

        • You can adjust the difficulty of the game by adding additional rules or variations.
        • Encourage creativity and imagination by letting players name their pieces and tell stories during the game.
        • Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the time spent together!